Course Code:           CH(CHE)-302                      

Course Name:          CHEMISTRY-2

Contacts:                   3(L) + 1(T) + 0(P) {40 Hrs [Allotted Hour(s)]}

Credits:                      04


At the end of this course, the incumbent will be able:

  1. Remembering: Memorizing the basic theory of chemistry such as surface tension, viscosity, adsorption, colligative property, quantum chemistry and different organic reactions.
  2. Understanding: Unfolding the fundamental concepts of thermodynamics, organic synthesis and fundamental biomolecules.
  3. Applying: Use of the concepts of organic chemistry for organic and bio-organic synthesis, a step to drug synthesis, Physical characteristics of liquid to daily life.
  4. Analyzing: Analyze diverse concurrent problems and sort out them during the process of solving by different chemical as well as mathematical expressions.
  5. Evaluating: Rationalize, validate and make gradation of several chemical and mathematical terminologies and determine the correct approach to solve real life interdisciplinary chemical problems.
  6. Creating: Design a functional model and build a pathway through which an innovative idea can be evolved to create a new problem accepted by academia, research and industries.



To understand this course, the learner must have idea of:

§  Elementary Chemistry

§  Environmental Chemistry




Module I:                                                                                                                               10L

Colloids: Introduction; Classification of colloids; Size and shape; preparation of sols; Origin of charge in Colloidal particles; Stability of Colloids; Kinetic, Optical & electrical properties; Electrokinetic phenomena; Electrical Double Layer; Ultracentrifuge and Molecular weight determination of Macromolecules.

Viscosity: Definition of viscosity of a liquid; Determination of Viscosity; Shear Viscosity; Intrinsic Viscosity; Molecular weight from Viscosity measurement;

Surface Tension: Introduction; Origin of Surface Tension; Surface energy; Laplace & Young-Laplace Equation, Capillarity; Contact Angle; Measurement of Surface Tension by Capillary rise method; Variation of Surface Tension of a liquid with Temperature and Concentration.

Module II: 10L

Kinetic theory of gases, Van der Waals Equation of state, Maxwell distribution law, vapour-liquid equilibrium, Colligative property.

Adsorption: Introduction; Gibb’s adsorption equation; Surface Excess; Adsorption isotherms: Freundlich, Langmuir, BET adsorption equations; Surface Films; Langmuir Balance; two-dimensional equation of state.

Module III:                                                                                                                            10L

Introduction to quantum mechanics: Spectral shape pf Blackbody radiation, Planck’s equation and a concept of quanta, breakdown of the classical equipartition principle, basic postulates of quantum mechanics, Hamiltonian function & Hamiltonian operator, important properties of a Hamiltonian operator, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, Schrodinger equation and its solution for an electron in a one dimensional box where potential energy is zero inside & infinity outside the box. Normalization and orthogonality of the wavefunction. General Organic Chemistry: Common organic reactions i.e. Friedel-Crafts, Claisen Condensation, Cannizaro, Aldol condensation, Fischer-Tropsch Preparation and synthetic application of Acetoacetic ester, Malonic ester and Grignard’s reagent;

Module IV:                                                                                                                            10L

Aminoacids: Classification; General methods of preparation and properties of amino acids, polypeptide synthesis, General properties of proteins, colour tests, enzymes. Lipids, fats and steroids; nucleic acid, DNA & RNA - generation and structure; cell nutrients- macronutrients, micronutrients. Carbohydrate: Classification, Glucose and fructose, Disaccharides: Sucrose, maltose, cellobiose (introductory concept).







Lecture Note 1

Lecture Note 2



 Assignment 1

 Assignment 2